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Tossing Pebbles in the Stream

This blog is my place to sit and toss pebbles into the stream. The stream of Life relentlessly passing before us. We can affect it little. For the most part I just watch it passing and follow the flow. Occasionally, I need to comment on its passing, tossing a pebble at it to enjoy the ripple affect upon Life's surface.

Monday, December 24, 2007


To celebrate Christmas I share will all the "Huron Carol". It is Canada's first Christmas Carol written by Father Jean de Brebeuf, a Jesuit among the Hurons, in 1645. It was written in the Wendat language of the Hurons and set to he music of a French folk tune.

The You Tube presentation below is sung in Wendat, French and English. Enjoy!

(To turn the background music off go to the Sonific widget in the sidebar)

Iesous Ahatonnia (ee-sus a-ha-ton-nyah= Jesus, he is born)

Estennia,on de tson8e Ies8s ahatonniaeh-sten-nyah-yon deh tson-weh ee-sus a-ha-ton-nyah
Have courage, you who are humans, Jesus, he is born

Onn'a8ate8a d'oki n'on,8andask8aentakon-nah-wah-teh-wah do-kee non-ywah-ndah-skwa-en-tak
Behold, the spirit who had us as prisoners has fled

Ennonchien sk8atrihotat n'on,8andi,onrachathaen-non-shyen skwah-tree-hotat non-ywa-ndee-yon-rah-shah-thah
Do not listen to it, as it corrupts our minds

Iesus ahatonnia

A,oki onkinnhache eronhia,eronnonayo-kee on-kee-nhah-sheh eh-ron-hya-yeh-ron-non
They are spirits, coming with a message for us, the sky people

iontonk ontatiande ndio sen tsatonnharonnionyon-tonk on-tah-tya-ndeh ndyo sen tsah-ton-nha-ron-nyon
they are coming to say, "Rejoice" (ie., be on top of life)

8arie onna8ak8eton ndio sen tsatonnharonnionwah-ree on-nah-wah-kweh-ton ndyo sen tsah ton-nha-ron-nyon
"Marie, she has just given birth. Rejoice."

Ies8s ahatonnia

Achink ontahonrask8a d'hatirih8annensa-shien-k on-tah-hon-rah-skwah dhah-tee-ree-hwan-nens
Three have left for such a place, those who are elders

Tichion ha,onniondetha onh8a achia ahatrentee-shyon ha-yon-nyon-deh-tha on-hwah a-shya ah-hah-tren
A star that has just appeared over the horizon leads them there

Ondaiete hahahak8a tichion ha,onniondethaon-dee teh-hah-hah-hah-kwah tee-shyon ha-yon-nyon-deh-tha
He will seize the path, he who leads them there

Ies8s ahatonnia

Tho ichien stahation tethotondi Ies8sthoh ee-shyen stah-hah-tyon teh-tho-ton-ndee ee-sus
As they arrived there, where he was born, Jesus

ahoatatende tichion stan chi teha8ennionah-ho-a-tah-ten-nde tyee-shyon stan shee teh-hah-wen-nyon
the star was at the point of stopping, he was not far past it

Aha,onatorenten iatonk atsion skena-hah-yon-ah-to-ren-ten yah-tonk ah-tsyon sken
Having found someone for them, he says, "Come here"

Ies8s ahatonnia

Onne ontahation chiahona,en Ies8son-nen on-tah-hah-tyon shyah-hon-ah-yen ee-sus
Behold, they have arrived there and have seen Jesus

Ahatichiennonniannon kahachia handia,onah-hah-tee-shyen-non-nyan-non kah-hah-shyah hah-ndyah-yon
They praised (made a name) many times, saying "Hurray, he is good in nature"

Te honannonronk8annnion ihontonk oerisenteh-hon-an-non-ron-kwan-nyon ee-hon-tonk o-eh-ree-sen
They greeted him with reverence (i.e., greased his scalp many times), saying "Hurray"

Iesus ahatonnia

Te hek8atatennonten ahek8achiendaenteh-heh-kwah-tah-ten-non-ten ah-heh-kwah-shyen-ndah-en
"We will give to him praise for his name"

Te hek8annonronk8annion de son,8entenrandeteh-heh-kwan-non-ron-kwan-nyon deh son-ywen-ten-ran-ndeh
"Let us show reverence for him as he comes to be compassionate to us."

8to,eti sk8annonh8e ichierhe akennonhonstha u-to-yeh-teeskwan-non-hweh ee-shyeh-rheh ah-keh-non-hon-sthah
"It is providential that you love us and wish, "I should adopt them."

Ies8s ahatonnia

To hear the "Huron Carol" sung in the Mi'kmaw language go here,

I think this native language of the original inhabitants of Eastern Canada is very musical.


At 9:51 p.m., Blogger Rachel said...

Thanks for sharing this!! Merry Christmas to you!!

At 10:49 p.m., Blogger Mary said...


I love the Huron Christmas Carol. Thanks for posting it. It is beautiful.


At 9:27 p.m., Blogger Rosie said...

Thanks so much for sharing this, Philip! This is really lovely.

I'm wondering what sorts of different holiday foods are cooked around this time of year in Canada. I know that when I had to go looking for the recipe for one of my father's favorite pastries we used to get in ended up being a Canadian treat that they called "Matrimonial Cake". How they ended up in Savannah, GA from western Canada is anyone's guess. We always served them around Christmas.

At 11:04 a.m., Blogger Neva said...

very very nice.

At 1:25 p.m., Blogger Deborah Wilson said...

This is the first time that I've heard this - very different and beautiful!


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