Refreshing Snow
Last night we had a snow storm. It was only about 4 to 6 inches but with the high wind and the snow blowing around it was enought to have them pull the school buses off the road. The temperature is quite mild at -6C so it became very pleasant after the wind died down. We are waiting for the cold to set in . By tomorrow it may be as cold as -25 C again. We are enjoying the same Arctic high that brought snow to Alabama and Florida as well as the US Atlantic coast.
I love the way the wind sculps the surface of the snow. After the recwent melt down of the foot of snow on the ground it is nice to have some refreshing snow to begin to replace it.
It looks nice looking across the back forty. The hills on the other side of the river are granite rock outcropings of the Canadian Shield. It is the edge of the valley. Farmland here is bottom land along the river. Under the soil is gravel: lots and lots of gravel. It was laid down when the river was much bigger and wider.
My dog Gage grabbed my gloves when I took them off to use the camera. He loves to play with them. Someone must have played a glove game with him so he acquired a glove fetish. I would like to correct this behaviour, but, so far the best I can do to prevent him from jumping after mine and risking having him knock me over, is give him his own glove to play with or let him carry mine in his mouth on the way back to the house.
We have been going back and forth frequently the last few days. I have been expecting my sows to farrow at any time soon so I make a trip to the shed every three hours, day and night, to check on them and keep the stove in the shed going. I want to be there when the piglets arrive. I have a hair dryer and heat lamps to warm the little porkers.
A trip to the shed at 3AM is sometimes daunting but I worry about my gals, and wouldn't be able to sleep anyway: I dress up and trudge out in the snow and cold. I never regret it for on a clear night the heavens make it all worth while and with a full moon the landscape in exquisite.
Beside! It is so nice to crawl back under the comforter in the bed upon returning after being refreshingly cooled.
With the snowstorm and the wind every trip to the shed I had to break the trail again, as the previous one had filled in.
Yes, it's going to get very cold but not for long, I hear. Hope the girls stay warm enough.
Great snowy photos. I thought we were still green since the last thaw, until I peeked outside this morning.. we've been dusted. Nice blog, and very cool pup! :)
Great post and very interesting to here how things are doing... I really have to laugh when you talk about a 'Comfortable' -6.. ha! England would be at a stand still... we just would not know how to cope..
Keep these post coming please, it really is of interest to an outsider.
All the very best from me and Big Pete who is sitting here now with a milky coffee enjoying being shown all the blog postings.
I, too , laugh at the temperature and yet we get pretty cold here as well. What a hoot! Thanks for the link to Oscar Peterson..I enjoyed listening to the tribute.....
What beautiful pictures and landscape you have just in front of your nose ! And getting little piglets ah ! that souns so romantic to me !
But - 25° that must be terrible, I never experienced such a temperature the coldest for me was - 10 !
Today we have 12° and the warmest January since weather was recorded here in Belgium. And if you want to have a good laughter, hop over because I have a very special little video on my blog. It is absolutely hilarious and shows the demolition of several houses in Brussels. It happened last week. They did it so good, that the neighbor found himself with a toilet without wall.
I found it on a Belgian blog.
Hi pebbles
nice pix, but my, what a different life you lead!
just to let you know I'm reading you,
steen (male, 53, living in japan)
We have been experiencing the Arctic high as well, but it's not quite as cold here. With windchill, it was -26C last night. Right now it is -12C, but the wind is still up.
Did you hear about the big accident on the 400? Quite a mess. I saw it on Toronto news at 6.
Gage will continue to play the game if you try to get the glove away. If you ignore him, he probably will give up. It's no fun unless you try to get the glove.
Thanks for all the beautiful photos. I also love the way the wind sculps the snow. It was quite a shock to come home from vacation and find our snow all gone. The Grand flooded over the road while we were away. It is still very high but back in its banks.
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