My sister also gave me this book for my birthday. She is sure I will enjoy it. I trust her. She often gives me books and the rarely disappoint me. The Hare with Amber Eyes by Edmund de Waal is a family memoir of a Jewish family during WWII.. I look forward to reading this book.
My birthday party in part turned into an "intervention" ( this word occurred to me in retrospect.) My current medical problems became a topic of discussion. I have a very painful leg which gives me shooting sharp pain with certain movements that temporarily locks the leg up with me bent over in pain until though my tentative efforts to regain the use of the leg pain free after I hear or feel a little click in my left thigh. This happens almost every time I get up from a chair or bend over to reach near the floor., for whatever. This a annoying and painful I have also know my feet are swollen somewhat.
My general attitude is to ignore such things figuring they the will go away or I will die. I am not a big user of the health care system. The problem is serious enough that I actually started to take some pain killers. I also avoid taking pills normally. David, Lynne, Parker all chimed in with encouragements for me to see a doctor. I finally agreed with the wisdom of the loving advice I was getting and somewhat agreed to see a doctor sometime soon.
Driving home with Parker he brought up the subject of me writing a will and preparing a letter of power of attorney in the case I find myself unable to manage my own affairs. I think he was taking to my sister and brother in law to come up with this. It seems there are those betting I will not have as many bonus years as I think I might. Is this a result of my current aches and pains and general neglect of any proactive health care on my part? It makes me smile. Of course this is a good idea and I agreed that if Parker set up an appointment with a lawyer I would consider both of these. During the drive we did not resumed the talk about my painful leg and swollen feet. I should have been suspicious for the surprise was ahead of us.
When we reached Sturgeon Falls and headed for Parker's home, past the hospital, he suddenly turned into the hospital and said "You are going to the hospital, right now." Now I knew I had been in an intervention. I went to the emergency room, as I do not have a doctor. My last one closed his practice and them died, ( How inconsiderate of him. I guess he knew he was sick). He left 7,000 patients who had to look for another doctor..
It was 3:30. The emergency room was not too busy but it still was 7:30 before I got out of there.
The result was the doctor could not find out why I was having pain in my leg. This is good news for she ruled out a bone problem, a tumor or a blood clot. I had an X ray of my pelvis and leg.. She also had blood work done. I turned out my blood work was good. I have somewhat elevated blood pressure. I would have guessed that but maybe the sharp pain I was periodically having send that up. My sugar was good so my swollen feet was not diabetes, which I am always concerned about. In our family there have been thyroid problems as well as diabetes so I am always interested in test of my endocrine system. So I am in pretty good shape for an old guy, except I still have pain that makes every day things difficult. I will be trying something else soon. If it does not improve in a week I will go back. There many be a bone scan in my future or physical therapy. (The latter is no long paid for my our universal health care.) I can't afford that. The last time I did it twice a week for 10 months to overcome my frozen shoulder condition. It was paid for by the government then. This life drama will continue.
Should three score and ten be seen as an ending, a new beginning or the beginning of the end. Time will tell. The Bible hold out the hope of reaching four score. Modern medicine seem to suggest 5 score is a possible option for may more of us.